Monday, August 15, 2011

Garden update

You may remember wayyyyyyy back when I started my garden.  If not, you can check it out here.

Welp, I decided it's time for an update.  The garden has actually turned out to be SO much more work than I ever thought.  I had all these great pictures in my mind of a beautiful garden that produced hundreds of juicy tomatoes, herbs, green beans, and peppers all by itself.  I thought I had done the hard part when I tilled the soil and planted everything.

Boy was I wrong.  As it turns out, you actually have to water the garden every day.  You also have to pull out the weeds, otherwise your garden turns into an overgrown mess where you can't tell the weeds from the herbs (not that that happened...).  Also you have to fight off an army of mosquitoes every time you go out to water or weed....which hinders the process of both dramatically.

The good news is that by the grace of God we produced ONE good tomato.  We ate it.  It was glorious.  We also got about 10 green beans.  We were so excited that we just ate them raw.  They were okay.

Our massive harvest

Salt and pepper makes everything better

We ate our prize tomato with some twice-baked potatoes from a local farm stand.  We felt so cool and earthy walking over to the farm stand to get the other half of our dinner.  Then we went to pay and the guy said, "That'll be $2.50."  For two potatoes?  Seriously?  Sorry local farm stand guy...we won't be visiting you again.  You're potatoes are too rich for our blood.


  1. There is an area in the front of our house that used to be full of these big sturdy bushes...but they blocked the house so much that we decided to pull them out. Nik and his dad (who was visiting) tied one end of a rope to the bush and the other end to our 4runner and yanked them out!
    But then I had this huge blank space, so I thought "ooo I'll grow a garden!" haha...I enjoyed reading this post so much, its nice to know I am not the only "struggling gardener."

    At least you got some fruit for your labor-- I have 3 slowly dying squash/pumpkin plants and my sunflowers fell over in the last thunder storm, but only 2 of them budded a very small dried out flower. haha...maybe next year! :)
